Fantasy Football Commissioner Newsletter Templates
The #1 killer of fantasy leagues?
...drum roll...
All it takes is 1 slacker to ruin the competitive spirit of the league (We all know that guy). I guess, there's nothing you can do... Or is there?
A great commissioner can 10x the fun level of the league and thus, the level of engagement by league members.
I've managed ~30 fantasy football teams over the last 15+years (avg. 2 leagues/year) and have come across a wide range of commissioner styles - some good, some bad.
Most Commissioners are like the Fantasy Police:
"everyone pay me before the draft"
"everyone set your lineup this week"
"Should we do keepers?"
The best Commissioners are like the FUN Police
BY FAR, THE MOST FUN I've ever had playing fantasy football was when our Commissioner released a weekly newsletter w/ his thoughts, analysis, and hot takes.
Was it hard? Yes - thinking of ideas was tough!
Was it time consuming? Sure - writing and editing every week is tough!
Was it worth it? You tell me - the league still plays together 10 years later and we always say "remember that one year..." at every draft. What a legend.
Now you too can fulfill your life's potential and become a fantasy football commissioner legend.
You'll still need to put forth effort, but I've created these templates...
To make it a little easier (🙌 Predefined weekly templates with commenting guides)
To save you a little time (🙌 writing prompts you can plug/play, search and replace)
To spark your creative side (🙌 ideas you can use in any league with written examples)
To empower your league (🙌 G Slides allows for easy collaboration)
Here's exactly what you'll get:
- Template for draft results (pre-week 1)
- Template for weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 to get you started with “plug and play”
- Template for week 5+ which can be copied/edited to fit any week within the season
- Template for the regular season finale
- Template for the championship
- Another slide deck with various ideas and slides that can be dropped into any of the weekly newsletters.
- Data & scoring tracker linked linked to newsletters
- Referenceable comments for guidance if needed
- Example copy to spark creativity
- Codified for "search and replace"
Commissioners, I hope this helps you! Reach out on Linkedin (Andrew Bowker) and give me your feedback. If people love it, I may consider investing some development budget and going more for a more commercial solution.
Special s/o to Mr. R. Ashby. All the credit goes to him for these templates. Thanks for being the best commissioner and spicing up our league.
Thank you!
P.S. I'm not gunna do anything with your email address (except send you the G Drive link) so don't freak out.
P.S.S - Totally free! (for now). Please let me know if you find this valuable!
You'll immediately get (view-only) G Drive link. Just "make a copy"